Easter weekend was quiet...workwise, it's really not a big deal here in the US, and people don't get the Friday and Monday off. People go crazy decorating their homes, however. We have witnessed many bunny flags, inflatable 7-foot bunnies, and plastic eggs adorning the trees and shrubs like it's Christmas all over again. Last weekend D fixed up our bikes, just as it started to rain, so they haven't been out for a spin yet. We planted little tomato, lettuce, and basil seeds which will hopefully be big enough to transplant when it warms up...

I keep starting new projects (conveniently, when another project has been botched), and now I've got a dozen things on the go. The purple thing is the Swallowtail Shawl, the brown is Ene's scarf, and the bunnies just need some faces before they're all done...actually, one's probably going to become a lamb or some other small-earred creature...I'm low on yellow yarn.

I'm still working on those Moravian bonnets which I keep forgetting to photograph. I've made about 10 now, and I usually pick one up when I'm feeling totally indecisive about what project to work on...