First, some chatter, and then the baby blanket.

How on earth did it get to be July already?! I've really been slacking with my blogging (sorry!), but it really doesn't feel like that long between posts until I check the last date. When I started the blog, I wasn't sure how much I'd be actively posting, but 2008 was a pretty good blog year, and I credit that to being much busier (with work) and thus motivated to multitask and write about all the things going on. Crafting for me seems to be directly related to how busy I am - growing substantially the busier my schedule is. The other change this year, though, is that I've joined a knitting group and I think that has become my new outlet for showing my finished crafts. And once I've shown it there, or talked about it there, I guess I feel less like writing about it on my blog a second or third time...but since I know you are all dying to see new crafts, I suppose I can try a little harder. :)
My other excuse is that June and July have been incredible busy for us. I think I mentioned a while back that we bought a house. Then we went on vacation for a week in June, and as soon as we got back we closed on the house, moved, and have been living in a state of semi-chaos up until now...I hope we never move again for a long time! Ugh! We love the house though, and it's great to be settling in. It looks a little bare, actually, since it's more space than we've ever had/needed. We're 95% there, but the last bit is always so hard to get done! We're lacking some serious closet space in the bedroom, I guess people didn't build houses with built-in closets in 1900.
Bakery work has been on hold since May...I've made a brief switch back to health care work, and I'm volunteering at a community non-profit organization for mental health, as well as the nearby hospital. In the fall however, I'm hoping to pick up a couple days at a bakery (or perhaps chocolate shop!) We'll be heading back to Toronto in a week or so - we're going to a wedding and looking forward to seeing friends and family very much. We'll be visiting all the babies that are sprouting up like crazy, and eating loads of delicious sushi and other Asian goodies. Yeah!

My recent knitting includes this baby blanket for baby Sophie, who was born on June 30. It's the Big Bad Baby Blanket pattern from Stitch n Bitch, knit in Bernat 100% cotton yarn, the biggest skein I have ever seen, and get this, not a single knot or break in this yarn the whole way through! It's probably about 400-500 yards total, I'll have to check.

Oh, and here are some pretty flowers from our garden! Unfortunately, Gatsby decided to eat have the bouquet and then promptly regurgitated it on the newly washed carpet. Dumb cat.